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Witchcraft Class Series
Presented by Cat Perron
Tuesdays September 13th - October 18th
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Cost: $20.00 per class
Join Cat for a beginning, yet comprehensive series on the Wonderful World of Wicca & Witchcraft! Cat is a High Priestess from the Witch & Famous coven in the Welsh-Celtic Pantheist tradition and has extensive teaching experience in various fields. This tradition is considered a British tradition because it does use a degree system and originated in what is now known as the United Kingdom (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England). These classes will cover a variety of topics, such as history, ritual, holidays and magic, just to name a few. Classess can be taken individually, or as a collective. Join us for the possibilities!!! )O(
Some Sample Classes will be:
Big Wheel Keep On Turnin’: Wheel of the Year/Cycle of Life/Sabbats and Esbats
Toys for Tots: Altars and Tools for Younger Self
Playing with Fire: Elements and Energy
You Can Do Magic: Correspondences, Creating and Casting Spells
Tickets are also Available on Eventbrite!
September 13th September 20th
September 27th October 4th
October 11th October 18th
Call to reserve your spot.
(954) 261-3878
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